Danziger Art Consulting provides important exhibitions exclusively from private collections to museums and cultural institutions around the world.

Our recent projects include a Pop Masters exhibition which we brought to Home of the Arts (HOTA) in Australia in 2023. We toured a Henri Matisse Prints show to three cities in Korea in 2022-2023. We traveled a Jean-Michel Basquiat exhibition to Korea in 2021, Brazil in 2018, and Italy in 2016-2017.
Our firm was recognized in this article about the 2023 Pop Masters Exhibition in Australia.
Our other shows include:
Masterworks Exhibition featuring paintings by artists such as Bacon, Braque, Dalí, Degas, Ernst, Kandinsky, Matisse, Miró, Modigliani, Monet, Picasso, Renoir, Seurat, Twombly, and others
Pablo Picasso: Paintings from 1905 to 1972
Joan Miró: Paintings and Sculptures from 1916 to 1978
Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró: Paintings from the 1920s and 1930s
Giorgio de Chirico: Important Paintings
Henri Matisse: Paintings from 1918 to 1947
Surrealism: Dali, Miró, Picasso, and Tanguy
Fernand Léger: Major Paintings
Henri Matisse Prints
Abstraction in Motion: Braque, Picasso, Stella, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, Hodgkin, Francis, Hockney, Wesselmann, and others
Georges Braque: “Still Lives”
Robert Motherwell
Norman Rockwell Exhibition from the Hallmark Art Collection
Creative Partnerships from the Hallmark Art Collection
Andres Valencia: Painting Prodigy
Contemporary Art Masters: From Warhol and Christo to Koons, Gilbert & George, and Kiefer
Pop Art and Its Legacy
Gilbert & George Survey
Pop Masters: Haring, Warhol, Basquiat, and Others
From Today, Painting is Dead: Early Photography in Britain and France
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol “Children’s Paintings”
Portraits by Andy Warhol
Tom Wesselmann
Picasso ceramics and sculptures
Sculptures by Jeff Koons
Damien Hirst
For more information on our exhibitions, please visit our exhibition page.
Please contact us if you would like further information on logistics, costs, and images of works in our exhibitions.
Our recent projects include a Pop Masters exhibition which we brought to Home of the Arts (HOTA) in Australia in 2023. We toured a Henri Matisse Prints show to three cities in Korea in 2022-2023. We traveled a Jean-Michel Basquiat exhibition to Korea in 2021, Brazil in 2018, and Italy in 2016-2017.
Our firm was recognized in this article about the 2023 Pop Masters Exhibition in Australia.
Our other shows include:
Masterworks Exhibition featuring paintings by artists such as Bacon, Braque, Dalí, Degas, Ernst, Kandinsky, Matisse, Miró, Modigliani, Monet, Picasso, Renoir, Seurat, Twombly, and others
Pablo Picasso: Paintings from 1905 to 1972
Joan Miró: Paintings and Sculptures from 1916 to 1978
Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró: Paintings from the 1920s and 1930s
Giorgio de Chirico: Important Paintings
Henri Matisse: Paintings from 1918 to 1947
Surrealism: Dali, Miró, Picasso, and Tanguy
Fernand Léger: Major Paintings
Henri Matisse Prints
Abstraction in Motion: Braque, Picasso, Stella, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, Hodgkin, Francis, Hockney, Wesselmann, and others
Georges Braque: “Still Lives”
Robert Motherwell
Norman Rockwell Exhibition from the Hallmark Art Collection
Creative Partnerships from the Hallmark Art Collection
Andres Valencia: Painting Prodigy
Contemporary Art Masters: From Warhol and Christo to Koons, Gilbert & George, and Kiefer
Pop Art and Its Legacy
Gilbert & George Survey
Pop Masters: Haring, Warhol, Basquiat, and Others
From Today, Painting is Dead: Early Photography in Britain and France
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol “Children’s Paintings”
Portraits by Andy Warhol
Tom Wesselmann
Picasso ceramics and sculptures
Sculptures by Jeff Koons
Damien Hirst
For more information on our exhibitions, please visit our exhibition page.
Masterworks Exhibition: Paintings by Bacon, Braque, Dalí, Degas, Ernst, Kandinsky, Matisse, Miró, Modigliani, Monet, Picasso, Renoir, Seurat, Twombly, and Others
Masterworks Exhibition: Paintings by Bacon, Braque, Dalí, Degas, Ernst, Kandinsky, Matisse, Miró, Modigliani, Monet, Picasso, Renoir, Seurat, Twombly, and Others
Pablo Picasso: Paintings from 1905 to 1972
Pablo Picasso: Paintings from 1905 to 1972
Joan Miró: Paintings and Sculptures from 1916 to 1978
Joan Miró: Paintings and Sculptures from 1916 to 1978
Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró: Paintings from the 1920s and 1930s
Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró: Paintings from the 1920s and 1930s
Giorgio de Chirico: Important Paintings
Giorgio de Chirico: Important Paintings
Henri Matisse: Paintings from 1918 to 1947
Henri Matisse: Paintings from 1918 to 1947
Surrealism: Dali, Miró, Picasso, and Tanguy
Surrealism: Dali, Miró, Picasso, and Tanguy
Fernand Léger: Major Paintings
Fernand Léger: Major Paintings
Henri Matisse Prints
Henri Matisse Prints
Abstraction in Motion
Abstraction in Motion
Georges Braque – “Still Lives”
Georges Braque – “Still Lives”
Robert Motherwell
Robert Motherwell
Norman Rockwell Exhibition from the Hallmark Art Collection
Norman Rockwell Exhibition from the Hallmark Art Collection
Creative Partnerships from the Hallmark Art Collection
Creative Partnerships from the Hallmark Art Collection
Andres Valencia: Painting Prodigy
Andres Valencia: Painting Prodigy
Contemporary Art Masters: From Warhol and Christo to Koons, Gilbert & George. and Kiefer
Contemporary Art Masters: From Warhol and Christo to Koons, Gilbert & George, and Kiefer
Pop Art and Its Legacy
Pop Art and Its Legacy
Gilbert & George Survey
Gilbert & George Survey
Pop Masters: Haring, Warhol, and Basquiat and Others
Pop Masters: Haring, Warhol, and Basquiat and Others
From Today, Painting is Dead: Early Photography in Britain and France
From Today, Painting is Dead: Early Photography in Britain and France
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol "Children's Paintings"
Andy Warhol "Children's Paintings"
Portraits by Andy Warhol
Portraits by Andy Warhol
Tom Wesselmann
Tom Wesselmann
Picasso ceramics and sculptures
Picasso ceramics and sculptures
Sculptures by Jeff Koons
Sculptures by Jeff Koons
Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst